According to the "History of Whately, Mass.", Robert Sanderson was a silversmith and "Master of Ye Mint". He made the
famous "Pine Tree Shilling".
According to R. S. Yeoman in "Guide Book of U.S. Coins". John Hall was Master of the
Mint and Robert Sanderson was his assistant. Sanderson became Master after Hall's death.
(The names have also appeared
as John Hull and Robert Saunderson.)
Polixana Child's ancestor, Robert Childs, arrived from England sometime before
1653 and settled in Barnstable on Cape Cod. The Childs family moved to Deerfield, Shutesbury, and Conway during the next years
before Polixana was born.
Stephen Sanderson and Polixana Childs Sanderson were married in Greenfield, Massachusetts,
and then settled in Conway, Massachusetts. They were the parents of Edward, Alpheus, Richard, Charles, Diadamia, Tryphena,
Mary, and Austin. Austin, 3/1828-12/27/1850, married Charlotte Gary Wells, 4/4/1810, Greenfield, MA,- 9/10/1863, daughter
of Rodolphus and Mary Allen Wells.
Austin and Charlotte were the parents of Tryphena Janet, 12/1/1840,Conway, MA,-2/27/1919,
Albany, N.Y., and a son, Stephen, who died shortly after birth.

Pine Tree Shillings